Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Stating A Group Home For Seors


is also crucial for a blogger to follow the amateur market. The market commands `el entrepreneur, if he succeeds, he anticipates. In any case, should not spend too much time calvalcare the `wave. Even in the second row, but must calvalcare the `wave, at any cost.
Cosi `, to meet public needs and not waste too much time I decided to resonate with Mr. Simon's blog and the program of RAI-3 with two unknown animators Bobbo said Saviano and Fazzio Fabbio.
the list. In my blog there must be a list, a list, a ranking, a collection of quotes and comments that may accompany us in the coming days.
Time: I write a list based on a theme, you, if you're ever there, read more or less affected. In case you want to write your own play list in the comments. For those who are already abroad, the issue of list is divided by all provinces and nations, for those who are sedentary have prepared an alternative theme.
As I have often been described as a poor, naive and enthusiastic, with no critical spirit and sense of reality, I thought to reverse the scenario and I chose as the theme on my list, dedicated to expatriates : the 10 negative things that I found and I did not expect to live, suffer, try to avoid or fight.

The theme of the alternate list for is settled: 10 things you did not intend to take with you and that you would not find in the country `s adoption.

Ready away, giving birth to my list. See that no woodpecker use the pink lenses.

10 negative things that I found in the country where I emigrated and I did not expect to live, suffer, try to avoid or fight:

1 A ridiculous public health system and inefficient, despite the many proclamations, deprive citizens to have a family doctor and a pediatrician for children and preventing the access subtly foreign doctors wanting to work in Quebec
2 A policy-mingling crime that is sweeping the `provincial and municipal government, much like the state Bundesbank (see the `investigation to build up a wing of Parliament)
3 disorganization road and rail transport system unworthy of a modern country
4 ` An inability insane in the program and comply with waste separation
5 A `and` organizational inability approximation blatant common in the organization activities, games and sports for children (school camps, performances, sports courses, etc.).
6 In a city maintenance of public spaces and urban green areas carefully only to the tourist areas or areas rich
7 a disproportionate tendency to make public works without regard to budget and without consideration of traffic flows and then to have roads with potholes dizzy, shaky bridges and viaducts in the process of disintegration
8 The Abuse of unlimited energy resources and the absence of concern for the individual citizen `s environmental pollution
9 A political system that allows a minority to govern a country changes the rules and read or heard without the necessity of a parliamentary majority
10 The fact that oil companies are free to raise gasoline prices on Thursday and Fridays (paydays in which the lower middle class has money to go shopping)

I have not touched on issues such as school and work , Women and elderly care, segregation and the art of compromise, not because they see the failures, but to limit the number that I have imposed.
At the end of the post would like to add that the 10 black spots above me seem immersed in a society of a magnificent country proud and friendly atmosphere has awareness of their problems, which are excitedly talking and politely, and that has all the means el `enthusiasm to solve them.
Emigrate emigrate to Canada and Quebec and, for me, still a great privilege and do it again tomorrow.

Now it's up to you.

Simona (the rose) :
Top 10 things I would not have found :
1. Health care system is inefficient and disorganized.
2. Mobile firm 10 years ago.
3. I agree on the abuse of unlimited natural resources and neglect of environmental impacts.
4. A company ' dominated by banks.
5. Racism hidden behind the Political correctness.
6. Adolescents / children without education and cognitive behavioral.
7. Italian immigrants of past generations.
8. market monopolies (such as TV, Internet, supermarkets) .
9. Difficulty 'to establish relationships of trust.
10. Complete absence of the bidet.

Lucia (the ring)
Hate Quebec:
1. the fact of having a lot of trouble finding a family doctor and a pediatrician.
1 a grueling my polls tell me that in case of genuine difficulties, the public health service is extremely efficient. that is, the philosophy is that the reaction in a crisis. fails to include the prevention that is regularly monitored by your family doctor with general analysis and etc. annual visit to the pediatrician for children. I find this absurd, however, and the partial reassurance of hospitals that work calms me only in part.
2. to find that here too the mafia corrupts, is present, interest is moving, especially in the construction field dominates and is underestimated and not dealt with the same commitment and dedication to the preparation of Italian magistrates
2 a's monologues saviano
3. the approach to say the least myopic in waste management and attention to the environment. I thought Canada leading up to find that instead I discovered it back even in comparison with my small provincial town
4. the lack of attention and care for your home. thought to find homes in South Tyrol, but inhabited by Emilia Naples, Palermo, etc. that is from people who are open, welcoming and warm. I actually understood that the extreme spread of houses for rent leads to a lack of attention to the place where you live.
5. a general sloppiness that pervades a little of everything. things are neither good nor bad nor good nor bad neither made nor well-kept completely let go, there is a sense of unfinished, not to care that I do not know whether either side of the bohemian life Montréal or if you do not have awareness of beauty.

Alessandro (partisan)
hate Canada because:
1) The organization dei trasporti pubblici, nel senso della rete e dei prezzi. Una citta' come Toronto dovrebbe avere almeno 10 linee di emtro che la collegano a tutte le citta' della York Region e a quelle piu' vicine della Peel. Dovrebbero esserci abbonamenti piu' convenienti
2) La telefonia mobile, arretrata e cara
3) Il telemarketing la domenica sera e le vendite porta a porta
4) La poca puntualita' degli operai (italiani)
5) L'arroganza e i metodi da italia meridionale dei datori di lavoro italiani di istituzioni italiane (Istituto Italiano di Cultura, ramificazione in Canada del Ministero degli Esteri)
6) Il prezzo della benzina e dell'assicurazione
7) Junior e Senior Kindergarden funzionanti solo 10 giorni la
week 8) The cost of childcare for children below the age 'from kindergarten
9) The killing of seals permitted
10) The behavior of police during the G20
Renato (the settled)
10 things that I would not bring back from Italy:
1. Those who do not pay the bus ticket, so no one checks.
2. Always and only use the car to move.
3. The parking in no parking, double and triple line.
4. The arrogance of the masses.
5. The sword in defense of children, no matter what they say or commit.
6. The difference between private and public health especially in the time of booking of visits / exams.
7. The attempt to fund the private school when the public would need to win the lottery every year.
8. The concept of secularism of public affairs, totally devoid of meaning.
9. They often find themselves arranging. I want to pay taxes and receive services.
10. This damn government!

Francoise (novelty)
hate to Quebec:
-Address of family doctor;
- The Quebecers at the wheel reminds me so much the Italians, and I, coming from 4 and a half years I was accustomed to UK very well if only the education behind the wheel;
-I have the impression that Quebecers are not the greatest sympathy ne'educazione but my experience too short here allows me to express a (half) opinion based only on the fact that never take the door and it seems a po'scontrosi. Every time I find a Canadian who holds the door and piu'amichevole It is very, as it happens ;-) e'anglofono
-trains: last week I had to go back to Montreal in Pointe Claire (20 minutes from Montreal, in the West Island) where I live and I learned with horror that the next train was three hours later. Well, I do not think that the railways are a means of transport to trust here. Again I had been spoiled in the UK where, in the off-peak hours, there were two trains an hour at least. If nothing else, a bus every 10 minutes.
- The roads are under painful and viaducts in Montreal seem to be about to collapse at any moment, perhaps waiting for the tragedy before doing something? Just go in Ontario, 45 minutes from where I live, to see decent roads. Too bad, even in this it seems to me to be back in Italy.


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