Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fleetwood Jamboree 1984

Bad weather, damage caused by rain

Because of the rain Yesterday it fell without respite, in some areas of Matera, rivers Bradano Basento, Agri, Sinn, and the stream Cavone Bilioso exceeded its banks and flooded land and the surrounding streets.
Difficult situations have been reported Basentana on the highway, near the junction Pisticci and connecting roads in Ferrandina and Salandra. There were numerous interventions of the Fire Brigade to help motorists in distress or to monitor landslide movement. Meanwhile, in the rain Metapontino''causing devastating effects on the vineyards, olive groves, greenhouses, farm structures, rural buildings, machinery, while, due to flooding, inundation of the rivers and canals and landslides of the land. "As always - said Councillor for Infrastructure, Public Works and Mobility in the Basilicata region, Rosa Gentile - immediately after these events will make an inspection to verify the extent of the damage, to require the Government to disasters and emergency Department National Civil Protection. "


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