Monday, December 3, 2007

Crest Whitestrips And Receeding Gums

First answer ..... although a bit late

Certification energetic.

These are the first technical considerations while awaiting the report, that we have already commissioned. The report will be delivered to purchasers of apartments at the time of the deed. We will copy (scanned) of expertise on the blog as soon as we will receive.

By the calculation according to the UNI, and using a calculation program
widespread (EC500 of EDILCLIMA) apartments in Via Terracina
should all be in class A or B (depending on the scale of the Lombardy Region

The scale provides for the Class A consumption between 14:29 kWh/m2 year and the class B
kWh/m2 between 29 and 58 years.
Of the apartments in question two or three should be under 29 years kWh/m2
, the other less than 48, then quietly in class B.

The recent news is that the region Lombardia
also now allows you to use computer programs other than its own.

Weird Feeling In My Gums

Sound Isolating

Soundproofing floors

In relation to existing rules, DPCM 12.5.1997 regarding acoustic parameters on the isolation, in date 11.26.2007 began the task of installing the soundproofing mat.
In collaboration with Index, one of the leading production houses of acoustic insulation material in the building, we proceeded to design layers of sound-absorbing casing building under construction. After
with the outer walls of housing units, of appropriate panels of rock wool and polystyrene, the construction company shall at this stage of the drafting rolls of sponge on the extrados of the floors, that is about all that that will be the floor area. The devices must not be forgotten during the installation of acoustic insulation are mainly overlapping of the strips (15 cm) and the implications on the perimeter walls (10 cm).
The layer of spongy material clearly has the function of absorbing the vibrations that come from walking on the pavement users preventing sound waves to reach the apartment below.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Why My Daughter Should Do Cofirmation


The steps of construction of our building to see this fixed in the entrance yard of the firms located.
The processing plants that have the above are those related to mechanical system, consisting of plumbing, heating and air conditioning, and the rest of the plants, such as electrical, air lifts, lift etc.. will made later.
plants that we analyze, plumbing - heating - air conditioning must be carried out according to best professional standards and with the proper care because these works should have the characteristics of durability, and the performer must guaranteed for a minimum of 10 years.
The hydraulic system is a network of pipes (metal and / or PVC), which, supplied with town water using suitable cable allows you to convey water to the users of each apartment (kitchen sink, washbasin, bidet , toilet, shower, bathtub, washing machine boiler) and to the common areas (service taps, irrigation, etc..) so as to allow each inhabitant of the home water use.
The heating is instead a circuit formed by an apparatus for heating water, heating pipelines and terminals, allowing the user to heat the temperature of a given environment or room of the house. Unlike the plumbing, the heating can be of various types (central or independent, with a gas boiler or boiler or diesel, with terminal heating to radiators or underfloor heating terminals). Our construction provides, in relation to fuel supply in the district in which we build and in relation the customs of the inhabitants, a plant with a fuel gas, water as the heating medium and heating radiators as terminals. The circuit, closed-end, it works with the passage of water, which duly heated by the boiler (through coils of metal at high temperatures after the combustion of gas) is driven by a hydraulic pump (inside the boiler) through pipes to radiators which releases its heat, to return to a lower temperature in the boiler which will again start the same cycle.
The air conditioning in our building as it is set to be fitted by the future owner of the terminals operated "cold." Conditioner "cold" is the type of device, as opposed to the heating, which lowers the temperature of a given environment or room of the house. Its operation is quite simple: it produces a temperature difference that is put into circulation causing the lowering of the temperature condition of the dwelling or the environment in which it is put into operation. The system for each apartment consists of three machines, two such units internal and third external drive that . Between the two units run two copper pipes and wiring command and control. Operation of the system is guaranteed fondamenali four parts: compressor, condenser, evaporator, body rolling, to complete the air conditioning in addition to these parts, there is a gas that acts as a heat transfer fluid.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Unmoving Kidney Stone

The work continues in August and regulatory systems

The continuation of the works, in addition to the performance of perimeter walls and partitions, with the provision of facilities and layers insulation, as described in previous measures, provides for the installation of the configured for the future installation of perimeter and interior fixtures.
At the time we are updating the site during the assembly of all window sills and thresholds to all doors windows and doors, which are available on site following the order made in due course (based on SUPPLY specific plan just in time).
Continue with the installation in support of counter and sill plates, ie fixing with cement mortar to the walls of these elements in aluminum and wood that will definitely set the window (windows, doors, doors, entry doors, etc...) The procurement the counter or falsitelai happens after the determinzione of all final measures of the openings of the entire stable.
activities pose threshold / window sills and counter are a step should not be underestimated, as the origin of the works right now that determine the final positioning of the openings around the perimeter, interior doors, the alignments of the grout (the coating of masonry brick blocks) external and internal.
This is the last stage where the designer has the right to alter the internal layout of the premises and the relevant characteristics of each of these (access, utilities, interior design) since it is closely related to the positioning of the openings.
Changes and / or omissions works involve the removal and demolition of what was already set with a remarkable increase in costs. So the 'attention should be maximum.
E ' essential in order to avoid the generation of extra costs, the project manager and contractors, operate according to a plan which identifies the largest number of construction details of the work.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Savanna Samson The Devil In Miss Jones Clips

In a residential building modern plants are an important component.
Unlike structural building works analyzed so far, apart from standard features of the use of particular devices, facilities - electricity, water and sanitary, heating, cooling, gas, fire - can be made with a quality which increases or decreases depending on both the goodness of the materials used.
The current market development and technology in the construction industry offers a wide range of products from several characteristics with regard to facilities .
The designer, given the wide range of plant components, are required to make precise decisions on equipment of the plant building.
In the years of economic boom (1960) and subsequent 70 and 80, the aspect that sent the selection in the realization of the plants, especially in private, was that of the savings.
The manufacturer of residential stability, compared to a market paid little attention to quality, had every advantage in the construction of installations at low cost and also legislation to protect the buyer was very weak.
After countless disputes opened by various purchasers of property made in the era of speculation, the legislature has tried, over the last decade, to update the legislation in order to create a housing market with buildings highest quality standards.
In the coming operations we will analyze the rules that the designer had to refer the implementation of the project to ensure a high level of quality.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Dental Office Policy Letter

We are ahead of schedule! Forward

The program provides work during the first week of July activities have completed execution structures and commencement activities for the manufacture of masonry infill perimeter.
Online Program last slab has been laid on 02.07.2007 while the perimeter walls, after they were tracking (drawing on the ground of thicknesses walls, doors, windows and dimensions) on the implementation plan, the team of builders began to build the walls of clay brick in Today 04:07:07.
In ahead of schedule, after of agreement between DL, construction firms and firms located in today's also began the task of laying the main plumbing lines (common columns and drain water, vent pipes and chimneys).
Program of Work is a tool that is adopted for the proper organization of construction activities. Like any program includes the identification of actions to help achieve the goal. Most important is finding the correct sequence of activities that make up the entire work (planning) from the first day of entry on site daily delivery of the last flat and duration (time) of activities in relation to the complexity of the work .
The work activities of a building varies with the type of work to be carried out, and then based on your project.
All projects are different and the correct outcome of a schedule of works is in the ability of the technician who applies it to combine the acquired knowledge in the field the ability to make correct predictions (based on studies, research and advice ) for the implementation of activities in which they have restricted knowledge. Very important is to establish an appropriate level of detail of the program, which can not be too general (with the risk does not have reference) or otherwise unduly article (with the risk burdening his reading).
The next step calls for the observance of the Timetable during the execution of the work, because the failure to meet the time schedule of one or a few compremettere activity could result in strict enforcement of other activities that cause deviations compared to the program, and delays in the works and compliance with the completion of work.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Braeburn 3000 Digital Thermostat

the construction of the underground

The nearby subway construction is progressing very eyes.
You can see at the bottom left the wall that delimit the new bike path and the future space green.
The road will go into a tunnel and placed at the end of the work will be an oasis of peace with low-frequency traffic.
Soon the railway station north of Affori will be moved about 500 meters in order to coincide with the new metro station Affori FS
Within minutes you can reach different parts of the city: Piazza Duomo, Cadorna station Central University ...
We are happy to participate, albeit in very small change to Milan.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sickest Sharking Vidoes

The site safety: the inspection

On June 14 we held a meeting about technical
with a subject of "Safety in the workplace in accordance with law no. 494/96.
work activities are carried out to achieve our Housing
should be conducted in compliance with rules dictated by laws which, like any other manual jobs, such as factories, hospitals, railway stations, farms and so on, have intended to prevent and minimize the risk of accidents and subsequent injuries. Unlike
jobs are listed first, the places where construction works are carried out are defined as "furniture" or "temporary" as the progress in carrying out the work always creates different environments for workers.
why the legislature, in addition to the Leg. No 626/94, which regulates safety in the workplace, has enacted a law specifically for the portable devices such as Decree work. 494/96 and subsequent amendments.
Given the criticality in the careful observance of standards and then the correct risk prevention, the Security Coordinator during the construction process, geom. Cristiano cremolata, considered useful to require the advice of the Territorial Joint Committee of the province of Milan.
The CPT is an independent, nonprofit, operates in the provinces of Milan - Lodi - Monza and Brianza, promoted and managed jointly by Assimpredil-ANCE (Association of Builders and complementary in the province of Milan) and the trade unions of construction workers in the province
This organization aims to promote activities, established by statute, constitution, aimed at preventing accidents, improving the health and safety on construction sites and the elimination and / or reduction of risks in the working stages, through initiatives that they experience the various areas of possible intervention : customer service and technical advice on site, conducting training courses, promotion of initiatives information, information campaigns, studies and analysis, event management, production and continuous updating, sound level measurements in the yard.

Following technical advice on construction performed on 17 - May - 07, the survey
today, with the participation of Eng. Reissner's CPT 's Eng. Cats and the architect. De Buglio (customer), the geom. Berlendis and Eng. Rota (Construction company), has the objective of verifying that the site conditions and activities comply with current regulations.
specialist technical advice of the CPT, was effective in pointing out situations that may lead to injury, although low risk
The meeting proceeded with the careful analysis of all the documentation that by law must be present at the yard: floor, safety and cCoordinamento, the operational security of firms, construction paper, books, equipment serial key, certification Installation and more.
The meeting ended with the drafting of the minutes by the technician of the CPT.

The construction activities, carried out in accordance with local regulations
as soon verified, regularly and today the business start-ups is the Movement Type the floor of the attic; We have therefore come to the realization of the penultimate floor. Activities for the manufacture of the structure of the building are almost come to an end and soon, as stipulated in the work program will begin the work of closing the housing building, where over the construction work will be performed also
works plant. But
organization and coordination of the activities we will speak later.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Mustache Lemon Juice?

The team of carpenters, after casting the elevation of the structures (pillars) of the plan occurred in the third day of 4:06:07, gave the task of implementing the plan of the slab formwork quarter. Operators have the wooden beams to the share of the future slab soffit, supported by iron struts that support the ceiling below. On them are established in wood boards that form a flat surface on which are then laid metal armatures and clay elements. The team of carpenters proceeded with a good pace, even in light of the fact that the floor to achieve the same features as those already made on the first floor, second and third.
Go up again!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

What Should I Wear To A Paris Art Opening

Jet the floor of the third floor

May 30, 2007 8:45 am

How the program works now is the time to cast the floor of the third.

of the teams are in the pipeline construction as usual from early morning, with them, the foreman.

comes also the structural engineer and architectural heritage, which is waiting for the OK to proceed to the final casting of the slab.

It begins with a check to the situation of the shipyard and its safety measures (even if today the site visit is purely technical) to verify that the regulations are complied with (scaffolding, guards, railings, paths, devices General safety and individual), and then to throw salt on the floor for the verification of the metal.

The engineer proceeds to find that the metal skeleton, made of iron rods and brackets assembled form the so-called beam, is prepared as per structural design executive.

It then proceeds with the verification of system arrangement as per the design of the plants, or to control the placement of PVC piping to create perforated patterns for the future implementation of the systems. The project also includes installation of panels eraclit (wood fibers mineralized) over the outer edge of the slab to ensure thermal and acoustic insulation.

The panels were placed exactly in place by the teams working on site.

Now the last audit, which provides for the control:

or positioning and fixing of the so-called ", ie those connecting rods vertical slab (structure horizontal) to the pillars (vertical structures), which is positive

or suitable climatic conditions (temperature and time) the engineer gives his ok to the foreman of the construction (cement + water + sand + gravel).

Everything ok!

The foreman, in turn, confirms the order of the specially packaged in the concrete mixing stations will be brought on site with special "concrete car" in situ.

Meanwhile the team of carpenters is already working to implement the metal armatures of the pillars, not just the concrete slab will be consolidated and then walked on, will be positioned for rapid growth of the structure of the new residence.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Best Kind Of Straightweave

About Us


thought of making a trivial thing, made by who knows how many other companies and .... Instead it seems we are the first to follow the story of a building site with a blog!
Tgfin has dealt with us!

We hope that others will soon imitate and so together we can help bring transparency, share experiences and possibly spur one another.

If anyone knows of blogs like ours ..... what are you waiting to send us the link?

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

How Much To Tip A Brazilian Wax

ideas to the wind: the safety in the small things I am

In these days, and rightly so, it comes to safety on construction sites.

Living in the yards you get the impression that the mere compliance is not enough.
Only one of the operational safety is high at least 3 cm (300 pages at a guess) to not count the Safety Plan and coordination, and all sorts of things are very important!
But what is often lacking is the culture of safety in small things. For
little things mean the daily cleaning of the yard at the end of the day, the order in the arrangement of materials, tools stored in order, properly closed at the end of the day.
What would an office with the feathers thrown on the ground, randomly scattered documents and dirty toilet?
Perhaps this office would not be the most immediately dangerous, but certainly much worse to live.
The worst living conditions over time leads inexorably to increased stress and distractions. In the offices
the consequences of distraction are not very serious but in the yards?
The situation is quite different construction sites, the environment (the site) is constantly changing and therefore it can not rely on automatic behavior in any way, a safe place yesterday today could be very dangerous. If chaos reigns the environment is even more chaotic and therefore exponentially more dangerous.

From the photos as you like the song?

Friday, May 18, 2007

Big Size Men Outfit Singapore

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Dresses For Bat Mitzvaholdsfor Normal 13 Year


surprise visit to the site. I fear
surprises ... Instead everything is in order and the work goes fast.
The project manager is "in situ", the workers move precise and confident.

Finally you get to see the building from afar. I'm really pleased