Va bene, sbaglio, ho capito. ennesima the telefonata Dopo sulla questione politica italiana virata, ho capito che sbaglio, sbaglio tutto. Siamo us from outside do not understand anything. Enough, enough, enough about an old man and his "bitches", just to judges who spend € 250,000 of interceptions, just to people whose incompatibility was confirmed and shown so clearly. The country's problems are others, let alone Berlusconi, everything against him and no one close to the problems of our world.
Okay, then what are the problems and what could be the solutions?
School and Education , right, by now in short with the reform we have made a good step forward and also the students calmed down. Reinitiate to study and think about their future.
Labour OK, we more or less in other countries things are worse here, beyond some exhibitionist cranes, there are big problems.
Taxes, and there are those who can pay and who does not want and do not pay. We are working on and not complain about anyone, too. More or less okay at all.
Health, the hospitals are, the doctors also, it's good sometimes there are mistakes, but it is normal for any mistakes, I do not think there are any dramas.
organized crime, security of the citizen: we have arrested criminals, prisons are full, in short, everything normal.
Ah, culture: ok Saviano writes, is not it? There are of collapse, but it is normal and remains minor. We have filled the cellars of the museums, I do not think anyone is missing anything.
But where are the problems? But who is complaining? But do you want? How many people in the streets? How many desperate? There are none!
only talking about private aspects of a citizen.
enough, get your business and stop wasting time, look at what happens in Egypt, Tunisia, thank heaven that the Sabbath you are all happy to do the shopping and evening are at home in peace. Someone is not so well, patience, you must roll up our sleeves and you will make it.
Judges? But they can not think of their processes and problems real justice?
enough, nobody listens to you, you are only defeatist, jealous, spoiled and more to do than to live without jealousy. Not listening and there follows no one, no, you got it!
Work up a pizza, a cinema and everything passes. Instead of that we also thank the subjects to spend your nights out, think! But it should be there. Goodbye