Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Juvenile Hall Diapers

About me

Mediaset has done a good review of my latest book Survival Manual for Traders or not. Know thyself. In a few days about a quarter of the printed volumes has been sold.!

The book is available for sale online at: MenuID = 3 & hl = en & AutoreID = 102

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Japanese Thank You Quotes

Survival Manual for professional traders and beyond. Know thyself.

few years later I published a new book on behavioral finance in order to introduce a micro approach to a subject matter, usually from the macro point of view.
The study of behavioral profiles should help investors better understand themselves and their emotional relationship with the world of investment. Consultants and developers equally, I hope, can benefit from the analysis of their behavior in relation to both the customer that the manner in which the customer experiences the investment.